The findings of a study utilizing our Bertis PASS service have been published in Molecular Psychiatry, a world-renowned neuropsychiatry journal! The study, conducted by the Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), investigated the impact of DYRK1A gene deficiency on neurodevelopmental disorders. ???? Key Highlights from the Study1.Elucidated the pathological mechanism of DYRK1A deficiency at the phosphoproteome level.2. The DYRK1A gene mutation (Ile48LysfsX2) was identified as a causal factor in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), microcephaly, synaptic dysfunction, and other neurodevelopmental phenotypes. 3. Highlighted the importance of early intervention in the treatment of ASD and neurodevelopmental disorders, while demonstrating the therapeutic potential of lithium. The PASS Center at Bertis conducted comprehensive proteome and phosphoproteome analyses of the mouse model brains, providing critical insights that enabled these significant discoveries. We are proud to support groundbreaking research and advance proteomics technologies to drive transformative scientific breakthroughs. ✅For more details, you can access the full paper here: 해시태그#Bertis 해시태그#PASS 해시태그#IBS 해시태그#Proteomics 해시태그#MolecularPsychiatry 해시태그#proteome 해시태그#phosphoproteome
Unraveling the Proteome
for the Next Era of Precision Medicine
- Bertis' core
technology framework - ProteoID
- Pan-omics Analysis solutions optimized
for academia and pharma research - PASS
- The world’s first commercialized
proteomics-based early diagnostic solution
for breast cancer - MASTOCHECK
- Bertis Appoints Global Life Sciences Innovation and Sustainability Expert Dr. David Berry to Scientific Advisory Board
- Bertis Appoints Global Life Sciences Innovation and Sustainability ExpertDr. David Berryto Scientific Advisory Board - Dr. David Berry, a global authority in innovation and sustainable management, has participated in founding over 30 companies, including Moderna- First collaboration with a Korean company as a Scientific Advisory Board member, supporting Bertis’ global expansion[Image] Dr. David BerryOn February 6th, Bertis, a company specializing in proteomics-based precision medicine technology (led by CEOs Dong-young Noh and Seung-man Han), announced that it has appointed Dr. David Berry, a world-renowned authority on innovation and sustainable management in the life sciences, as a member of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).Dr. David Berry, who received hisMD from Harvard Medical School and PhD in Biological Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), holds over 200 patents in life sciences and other fields. He has co-founded more than 30 companies, including 7 valued at over $1 billion. Notably, Dr. Berry contributed to the establishment of Moderna, a company developing mRNA technology-based vaccines and therapeutics.As a globally recognized expert in innovation and sustainable management, Dr. Berry currently serves as an Emeritus member of the Leadership Council for the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN). His achievements have been widely recognized: he was named an Innovator of the Year in 2007 by the MIT Technology Review, a 2014 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, and one of 12 Innovators Helping Reshape Reality by the U.S. State Department.Dr. Berry's appointment to Bertis' Scientific Advisory Board draws significant attention as it marks his first collaboration with a Korean company. Bertis aims to leverage Dr. Berry's extensive experience and expertise as an innovation leader, inventor, and entrepreneur to formulate its global expansion strategy and establish itself as a leading company in proteomics-based precision medicine technology on the world stage. Dr. David Berry stated, "Bertis possesses world-class proprietary technology in clinical proteomics and is leading the realization of precision medicine through early disease diagnosis and personalized treatment activation. I look forward to contributing to the global dissemination of Bertis' proteomics-based precision medicine technology and driving innovation in the medical field." Seung-man Han, CEO of Bertis, emphasized, "Since ourfounding in 2014, Bertishas built a globally competitivetechnological framework through continuous challenges and achieved commercialization and technological development in proteomics, includingmulti-protein biomarker-basedblood tests. Weexpect our collaboration withDr. Berry to be a significantboost in elevating Bertis to the next level as aglobally competitive precision medicine technology company, building on the technological achievements we've accumulated overthe past decade."
- Bertis Participates in '2024 Pink Festival' to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Regular Breast Cancer Screenings
- Bertis Participates in '2024 Pink Festival' to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Regular Breast Cancer Screenings- Participating as an event sponsor, operating a promotional booth to enhance breast health awareness and deliver useful information on regular breast cancer screenings, including MASTOCHECKOn October 10th, Bertis, a company specializing in proteomics-based precision medicine technology (led by CEOs Dong-young Noh and Seung-man Han), announced that it will participate as a sponsor in the 2024 Pink Festival held at Yongsan Park on October 13th to conduct promotional activities highlighting the importance of regular breast cancer screenings.The Pink Festival, held as part of the Pink Ribbon Campaign, is co-hosted by the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation, the Korean Breast Cancer Society, and the Korean Cancer Association to encourage greater awareness of breast cancer and the importance of regular screenings among women. Now in its 24th year, the event will be attended by 1,000 pre-registered participants and will feature various breast health programs, including a 3km run, GX programs, consultations with medical professionals, and a mini concert.In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, Bertis will sponsor the 2023 Pink Festival and operate a promotional booth at the event. The booth will feature a quiz event aimed at attendees, highlighting the importance of early breast cancer detection and providing useful information about regular breast cancer screenings, including Bertis's early detection blood test, MASTOCHECK®.MASTOCHECK® is the world’s first proteomics-based early detection test for breast cancer, launched by Bertis in 2019. It has demonstrated its effectiveness in diagnosing stage 0 to 2 breast cancer and received approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in 2019. As a blood test, MASTOCHECK® can be performed on women in their 20s and 30s, for whom mammography is not recommended, and about 100,000 tests were conducted in 2023 alone. MASTOCHECK® is currently implemented in more than 500 hospitals and health screening centers in Korea.Seung-man Han, CEO of Bertis, said, “We participated in the Pink Festival to inform more women, including those in their 20s and 30s of the importance of breast health and to encourage regular breast cancer screenings. We will do our best to continuously contribute to activating early diagnosis by raising awareness and providing useful solutions based on easily accessible blood tests for the early detection of major diseases, including breast cancer, in medical settings.”
- Bertis Presents Blood Test Model for Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis with 92% Accuracy Based on 13 Biomarkers
- Bertis Presents Blood Test Model for Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis with 92% Accuracy Based on 13 Biomarkers- Presenting an exploratory trial result for early diagnosis of PDAC using LC-MS technology effective for disease screening- Conducting a confirmatory trial for pancreatic cancer’s early diagnosis blood test ‘Panccheck,’ having secured blood samples from 513 individuals, including 220 pancreatic cancer patientsOn September 24th, Bertis, a company specializing in the development of proteomics-based precision medicine technology (led by CEOs Dong-young Noh and Seung-man Han), announced that the findings on protein biomarkers for the diagnosis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) were published in the September issue of the prestigious international journal ‘Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.’Pancreatic cancer is highly lethal due to its asymptomatic nature in the early stages, making early detection extremely challenging. Most patients are diagnosed at advanced stages, resulting in very low survival rates. According to data released by the Korea Central Cancer Registry in 2024, the 5-year cancer relative survival rate for pancreatic cancer from 2017 to 2021 is only 15.9%, making it the most difficult to treat among the top 10 cancers. In particular, PDAC, which accounts for more than 90% of pancreatic cancer, is considered one of the most lethal cancer types with a 5-year average survival rate of less than 10%.Currently, the blood biomarker Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) is used for pancreatic cancer screening, but its usefulness is considered limited due to its low positive predictive value. This study focused on developing an effective diagnostic method for PDAC screening based on Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) technology, which allows for the simultaneous and precise quantification of multiple protein biomarkers in blood and is effective for disease screening tests that require economical and rapid analysis of a large number of samples.In this study, the Bertis research team selected 12 protein biomarkers that were differentially expressed in PDAC patients compared to a control group of healthy individuals and/or those with benign pancreatic diseases, using mass spectrometry and bioinformatics techniques. They then developed a Multi-Marker Panel consisting of 13 biomarkers combined with CA19-9. In the next step, they developed a diagnostic test model with improved performance and robustness using machine-learning technology and evaluated its diagnostic performance for PDAC screening. As a result, the model demonstrated an accuracy of 92% for all stages of PDAC and stage 1 to 2 PDAC, showing improved diagnostic performance in all cases compared to when CA19-9 was used alone.Un-beom Kang, Head of the Bertis Biomarker Research Institute and co-leader of the research, stated, “The results of this study represent a significant achievement in providing a useful diagnostic model for the early detection of pancreatic cancer, a particularly hard-to-treat cancer, based on Bertis’ advanced technologies in proteomics, bioinformatics, and machine learning. We are committed to follow-up research and development to ensure that healthcare professionals and patients can utilize this technology in clinical settings, thereby facilitating early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.”Bertis is promoting the commercialization of its blood test, Panccheck®, to aid in the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer based on this research achievement. Currently, a confirmatory trial is underway, with blood samples secured from 513 individuals, including 220 pancreatic cancer patients, in preparation for approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Additionally, Bertis is developing an early diagnosis test for ovarian cancer, which has the highest mortality rate among gynecological cancers and lacks effective early detection methods. The marker panel development is complete, and a clinical trial for algorithm enhancement are planned.Seung-man Han, CEO of Bertis, emphasized, “Bertis is working to introduce multi-marker diagnostic solutions with improved accuracy based on more biomarkers for major diseases by adding the latest machine learning technology to the proteomics technology we have developed over the past decade. Building on our capability to commercialize Mastocheck, the world’s first proteomics-based blood testing for early breast cancer diagnosis, we are committed to providing effective early diagnosis solutions for hard-to-treat diseases like pancreatic cancer in clinical practice.”Meanwhile, Bertis combines proteomics and bioinformatics to develop innovative biomarkers for cancer and other major diseases, as well as provides diagnosis and analysis solutions. It succeeded in commercializing proteomics technology with Mastocheck®, the blood testing solution for early breast cancer diagnosis, and PASS (Pan-omics Analysis Service & Solution), an omics analysis solution. Bertis continues to conduct research on early diagnosis solutions for major diseases.
- Bertis Joins the Ministry of Science and ICT’s ‘Development of Technologies for Spatial Proteomics-Based Multi-Omics Analysis’ Project
- Bertis Joins the Ministry of Science and ICT’s‘Development of Technologies for Spatial Proteomics-BasedMulti-Omics Analysis’ Project- 6 institutions participate with a total research budget of approximately 9 billion KRW over 4 years and 6 months-Bertis participates in securing global-level spatial proteomics technologies with its expertise in proteomics-based biomarkersOn September 6, Bertis, a company specializing in the development of proteomics-based precision medicine technology (led by CEOs Dong-young Noh and Seung-man Han), announced its participation as a research institution in the ‘Development of Materials and Component Technologies for Spatial Proteomics-Based Multi-Omics Analysis’ project (Project No. RS-2024-00454407), led by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National Research Foundation of Korea.This project is part of the ‘2024 Nano and Materials Technology Development Project’ initiated by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National Research Foundation of Korea. It aims to secure global-level technologies that will drive the creation of new industries and advance key sectors, while also expanding research infrastructure and promoting commercialization.Bertis will collaborate with the institution in charge of research, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Meteor Biotech, Korea Animal Model Archive, Future Medicine Research Institute of CHA Bundang Medical Center of CHA University, and the Korea Basic Science Institute to form the 'Spatial Proteomics Technology Development Research Consortium.' The consortium will undertake the project to develop spatial proteomics technologies for multi-omics, with a total research budget of 9 billion KRW, until December 2028.Spatial proteomics technology is a field that studies the spatial distribution and interactions of proteins within tissues. No commercialized technologies for spatial proteomics analysis exist, and single-cell preprocessing methods are being used as alternatives. This project will develop novel materials and foundational technologies for protein digestion, which are currently unavailable in spatial proteomics processes. The goal is to establish the first global analysis platform, from tissue separation to diagnosis, build databases, develop AI software, and create biomarkers for various cancers.Bertis, recognized for its technological prowess in developing and utilizing proteomics-based biomarkers, will be responsible for establishing LC-MS analysis conditions using single-cells, developing spatial proteomics-specific preprocessing materials and POC (Proof of Concept), creating quality control software for fragmented tissue proteomics analysis platforms, and developing and training AI algorithms through pathology image analysis.Kyunggon Kim, a professor in the Department of Digital Medicine at the University of Ulsan College of Medicine, head of the institution in charge of research, stated, "Spatial multi-omics is increasingly recognized as a key platform for translational research and new drug development. However, spatial proteomics is a field that demands advanced technology and material development. We are excited to collaborate with outstanding government-funded research institutions, hospitals, and companies with core technologies, such as Bertis and Meteor Biotech to conduct challenging research.”Un-beom Kang, Head of Bertis Biomarker Research Institute and co-leader of the research, explained, “The field of proteomics has high technological utility and remarkable growth within the biotech industry, accompanied by intense global competition to secure technological superiority and foundational technologies for disease diagnosis and treatment. As a leader in the proteomics industry with expertise in commercializing technology and applying AI, Bertis is dedicated to achieving significant results in the development of spatial proteomics technologies through collaboration with leading domestic research institutions."Meanwhile, Bertis has established its proprietary analysis system for single-cell proteomics research and is accelerating the advancement of proteomics-based precision medicine technologies by utilizing AI. The company is enhancing the accuracy of early diagnostic solutions for breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and ovarian cancer through machine learning-based algorithms. It is also developing the SAN (Spectrum is All you Need) model, which uses large language models (LLM) to analyze protein distribution data and extract health information related to the presence or absence of target diseases.
- Bertis and Rokit Genomics Sign MoU for Collaboration on Proteomics and Genomics Analysis Services
- Bertis and Rokit Genomics Sign MoU for Collaboration on Proteomics and Genomics Analysis Services - Collaborating on single-cell proteomics and genomics analysis services to provide single-cell multi-omics analysis services and advance joint technology development <Photo: Bertis CEO Seung-man Han (left) and Rokit Genomics CEO Tae-woo Kwon commemorate the signing of the MoU.> On August 26th, Bertis, a company specializing in the development of proteomics-based precision medicine technology (led by CEOs Dong-young Noh and Seung-man Han), announced that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Rokit Genomics, a single-cell analysis company (led by CEOs Tae-woo Kwon and Yoon-Ki Gil). Under this MoU, Bertis and Rokit Genomics plan to collaborate on the development and marketing of proteomics and genomics analysis services based on their expertise in single-cell analysis technology. They also will work together on future joint technology development. Single-cell analysis is a technique that distinguishes biological characteristics at the level of individual cells. It enables high-sensitivity and high-resolution analysis of rare cells or low-expressed genomics and proteomics. This method is utilized in various research fields including cancer, Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases. The single-cell analysis market is expected to grow significantly, reaching approximately 19 trillion KRW globally by 2030. Single-cell proteomics analysis is a technology that qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins at the single-cell level. This technique allows detailed analysis of disease-specific proteins, minimizing the loss of cellular diversity information that can occur in tissue or cultured cell analyses. This technology is expected to advance the application of precision medicine through cell-specific analysis. Bertis, which has secured the technology to analyze the proteome of trace samples through next-generation mass spectrometry technology, offers single-cell proteomics analysis of over 5,000 proteins and has launched Korea's first single-cell proteome profiling service based on this cutting-edge technology. Rokit Genomics provides customer-specific analysis services using single-cell genomics sequencing. Rokit Genomics focuses on cell heterogeneity, rare cells, cell lineage relationships, and biomarker discovery by analyzing genomic data collected from individual cells. Leveraging extensive experience with samples from human tissues to plants and animals, Rokit Genomics performs analyses across requests. Kwon Tae-woo, the CEO of Rokit Genomics, stated, “With the rise of genomics and proteomics technologies, there is an increasing demand for combined analytical methods in drug discovery and candidate development. Our collaboration with Bertis, which possesses expertise in proteomics analysis, will be a milestone in expanding Rokit Genomics' multi-omics analysis capabilities. We expect to lead the popularization of single-cell analysis through advanced customer-specific consulting.” Seung-man Han, the CEO of Bertis, emphasized, “As a leader in proteomics technology, we have equipped ourselves with the latest equipment and expertise to offer single-cell proteomics technology to domestic researchers. Through this service collaboration with Rokit Genomics, a pioneer in single-cell sequencing, we hope to raise awareness of single-cell proteomics analysis among bioindustry and academic researchers and to expand our collaborative technology development.” Furthermore, Bertis’ omics analysis solution, PASS (Pan-omics Analysis Service & Solution), provides customized proteomics analysis solutions for biomarker discovery, validation, drug research and development, and production based on client’s needs. The service caters to a range of clients, including biotech and CDMO enterprises developing new modality drugs, and has completed 103 projects for 54 clients as of July 2024, driven by satisfaction with data quality and customized consulting.
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